Rice and Semolina Steamed Cake (Bhanori Recipe)

I was browsing about kokni muslim cuisine and saw this name on 'bhanori' on Wikipedia along with saandan and baitho ghavno and I got curious that what it must be as the name was new to me. And to my surprise, a few days later, the same recipe was discussed in a WhatsApp group. And that's where I got the authentic recipe and then I decided to give it a try on the same day. Fortunately, I had all the ingredients available so I just prepared the batter, covered it and left it unattended for approximately 8 hours and then preceeded with steaming the cake. I was so happy with the results that I just couldn't wait take photos and shared in the group immediately. 😆

How to make Bhanori:


1/2 kg rice flour
1/4 kg semolina
200 g (one small bowl) shredded coconut
1/4 kg sugar (or little more as per your liking)
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon yeast
1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder
1/4 teaspoon saffron
3 tablespoon blanched and slivered almonds and pistachios


1. Break and beat eggs in a large bowl then add all the ingredients one by one except yeast and mix well then add yeast and cover the batter and keep it for 8-10 hours or overnight.
2. As batter is ready to cook, grease a pan and pour the batter. Garnish with almonds and pistachios and place the lid and let it cook on very low flame till it's done thoroughly.
3. Cut into pieces and eat. 😋 you can store bhanori in fridge for a week. Just shallow in better or ghee before serving.


  1. It says steamed cake.. where did u mentioned to keep it in steam.? pls reply i wanna try this recipie.. thanx..

  2. O wow! I used to love Bhanorey. Haven't eaten them in years. guess time to try your recipe *BIG GRIN*

  3. I remember bhanori which looks similar to saandan or baiti roti. This is looking like a modern version bhanori not a traditional.


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